Good luck, bud Edited Saturday at 06:55 AM by resincake Whatever you do, I wish you the best of luck, it is a real good feeling to defeat the overseer, and the first time you see the ascension vid, is pretty cool. If you have difficulty below 1, perhaps 0.2 (the default I believe ?) you may be ok, i don't know, as I have no experience of playing on that difficulty. and for clarification, you can take upto 50 tames both through the Tek cave, and into the overseer arena (as long as you can fit them onto the teleport platform, just before entering the arena).

If you have some Rex and/or Megatherium to include in your army, it is a massive advantage (remember he takes on the form of all 3 bosses, so each of the 3 mentioned tames has their use in the battle). try to get that HP up quite a bit, and of course, if you can get a decent saddle bp, to craft for each, that is massive. The best advice I can give is to breed your Theri's a bit, so that you have a decent amount of them, go for 15+, then go out and level them up a while (take a group of 4 at a time, to do it quickly), killing everything you see. I know you can do it without tames, by using a tek suit and staying high, with a good shotgun, but I'm guessing you're going for the ground battle method. What difficulty are you playing on, 1 ? (ie./ Is the max wild dino level possible 150 ?) If so, then I doubt those Theri's will have enough HP mate